Street View API

Inner tours request

The list of all inner tours you can get under this request

Inner tours request by Category

You can request inner tours by category by sending this type of request To get all category names, please check on website.
If the category name consists of 2 words, you need to request it with underscore "_". For example: Air Tours -

1. Street View functional consist of two parts. One is Google Map file with lines which is kml format file.
Here it is:

2. And second part of street view functional is request of closest point.
You need to send request with Lang/Long like this
And we will give you one answer of the most close street view line in example below.

iFrame into your website

And of course to show any 360 tour you need to implement iFrame in your modal window. You can see in example bellow that it is using src="". The ID in this link is the reference for the tour. In every answer you will get from API you will find one "pointNumber":92045. This is the number you need to implement in iFrame to have the right tour to show.
