Feb 24, 2018
- 7 min read
One might wonder why Augmented Reality is becoming so popular among museums, especially when audio guides and personal guides are so readily available at museums and the information on the internet is quite accessible from home or schools. In fact, some might even argue that Augmented and Virtual Reality
Feb 11, 2018
- 6 min read
As the years go by, we can no longer deny the amount of influence technology has in our lives. Technology is fused in essentially every aspect of our lives, from completing tasks, navigating from one place to another, keeping into contact with people, promoting our businesses, sharing our ideas,
Feb 06, 2018
- 4 min read
The future seems to be virtual, as more and more virtual reality technologies are being implemented in different industries. 360Stories previously discussed how VR is transforming journalism, and how writers are now becoming more like UX designers. Because of VR tech, journalists now have to structure an
Feb 02, 2018
- 7 min read
Virtual reality has already begun to make big waves in the marketing industry, and arguably the best case would be in the realm of hospitality. Airlines, tour agencies and hotels have been experimenting with the new medium to see what they can do to attract, engage and keep customers.
Jan 31, 2018
- 4 min read
As with any new piece of technology, there have been a number of naysayers when it comes to the potential future success of VR. That is not surprising, considering that people have a tendency to get bored with new technology quickly. Will VR stand the test of time and
Jan 16, 2018
- 7 min read
VR is taking journalism by storm and has been for the past few years. We are entering a new era for sharing news, in a format that Virtual Reality pioneers would call, Immersive Journalism. Slowly breaking away from the video and text-based journalism that we are used to, the
Jan 11, 2018
- 8 min read
In a previous post, we spoke about the advantages of traveling with a trusty 360 camera. There’s no dispute, that 360 photos and videos are booming across the internet. We will, without a doubt, be seeing a lot more 360 content on travel websites, travel agencies, travel blogs
Dec 16, 2017
- 5 min read
Please. Selfie sticks were sooo 2015. We are entering an era of something new, something more fabulous, something way more genuine and real. Entering 2018 we are going to see a huge rise in the use of 360 photos and videos and what’s more, it will change the way
Dec 11, 2017
- 4 min read
We live in exciting times when technology is like a window to the world. When we were introduced to the internet, we tipped off the dominoes to an era of globalization. A world where everyone is connected and you can explore every corner of the globe from the comfort
Dec 04, 2017
- 5 min read
Technology is bringing a new twist to the oldest form of communication: storytelling. Storytelling has undergone many stages of evolution since its existence, from writing to radio, film to animation and most recently, social media. Blogs, vlogs, vines, podcasts, technology has opened the floodgates when it comes to new